Esta guía se basa en las evoluciones de los diferentes Herreros que se encuentran en las Ciudades e incluso en las Mazmorras.
Principalmente comenzamos con el Herrero de las Ciudades.
Este herrero tiene diferentes objetos para mejorar, con un 100% de posibilidades de conseguir el cratfeo en este NPC.
Nos dirigimos al médico Beak-Go situado en las principales ciudades de su pueblo.
Nuestro médico realiza los Rocios para mejorar el PVM y PVP de tu personaje, para ello necesitas las Fragancias y las botellas vacías.
Regresamos a nuestras ciudades y visitamos Seon-Pyeong.
Este posee las evoluciones del Equipamento a partir del Lv 80.
Adicional a esto Accesorios del mismo nivel.
Por otro lado contiene Cintos desde el Lv.50.
Pasamos al Herrero Jae-Seon Kim del Peñasco del Dragón.
Se centra en las evoluciones accesorias de Lv +90, que son importantes en PVP y PVM.
Adicional a eso podrás crear Alma de los Reyes. Un objeto muy importante para la mejora de objetos +Lv. 90.
Pasamos a nuestro creador de Porcelanas el cual tiene un rol importante con los consumibles.
He aquí es donde podrás generar tus Rocios y Medallas del Dragón de forma permanente. Desempeñan un papel importante, ya que evitan tener que fabricar consumibles durante mucho tiempo.
¿Te preguntas cómo llegar a las mazmorras? No te preocupes Hwa-Hee de tu ciudad, ella es tu solución.
Es importante saber que para entrar en las mazmorras es importante tener un ticket aquí podrás generar los tickets necesarios para poder entrar en ellas.
Al lado de ella siempre esta Soon, el maestro de las habilidades.
El modo de juego al que estamos acostumbrados es aumentar nuestras habilidades de G1 a P, con Piedra Alma 05453481-0a12-45cd-bcf6-3cb485596aca-image.png, éstas se cambiarán por la que necesites en el momento de evolucionar tu personaje, en lo que a habilidades se refiere.
Además, posee una tienda que se utiliza para mejorar las habilidades pasivas.
Pasamos a la Herrero Hefesto, es una de las principales para Lv. +75 que se encuentra en la Torre de Demonios.
Este herrero es importante para comenzar con la evolución del PVM.
Luego pasamos a Herrero Akzadur, que sigue evolucionando los objetos PVM Lv. 95. Este se encuentra en el Mazmorra del Arrador.
Otro pilar importante en la evolución del PVM Lv. 95 para proceder al nivel máximo.
Además, cuenta con accesorios que también son importantes en el PVM a partir de Lv. 95.
Finalmente pasamos a la Herreri Nafaroth, uno de los pilares finales en el PVP que se encuentra en la mazmorra Nemeré.
Esto tiene las evoluciones para el diseño PVP que se utilizará para demostrar tus habilidades en duelos o en batallas campales.
Tiene sus accesorios tambien para el PVP.
NOTA: esta guia es un avance de todos los cratfeos, seguiremos añadiendo contenido para dar mas informacion, esta claro que podeis ir al NPC que os indiquemos y ver que materiales se necesitan para dichas evoluciones.
Evolving your Horse to Military or Armored Horse is something new in OnixDragon2, we show you how.
When you start the server you get a mount that will help you for 7 days, this in order to advance to level 15 or more depending on your game mode, to have the Horse Paint 3d1d72cb-e7b1-4072-83a1-b121a620ef86-image.png and thus begin the process of evolution of your partner.
Considering that you start with a horse at level 0 if you have not yet reached level 15.
When you pass level 15 the Stable Boy will call you for information and give you the 3d1d72cb-e7b1-4072-83a1-b121a620ef86-image.png Horse Paint.
When you talk to him he will tell you relevant information and give you the corresponding item for the initial horse.
When you go to the Stable Boy and receive the item to summon the initial Horse and go up to level 1, you will be able to ride a Horse.
When you reach level 35 the Stable Boy will call you to give you information on how to get the Armed Horse.
You will need the Horse Medal 99272286-c407-414c-99e4-f17b30e8b602-image.png in the first instance.
It will tell you to go to the Monkey Dungeon (entering from F6) which will take you to the Desert where you must enter the dungeon.
It is important to remember that you should not buy the Horse Medal ![3d1d72cb-e7b1-4072-83a1-b121a620ef86-image.png](/assets/uploads/files/1700003312673-3d1d72cb-e7b1-4072-83a1-b121a620ef86-image.png from any player, because you will get it inside the dungeon by defeating the monsters inside it.
Once you have the medal in your possession, it is important to visit the Stable Boy.
When you talk to him he will tell you something select the next section.
Being all successful he will give you the following information and he will assemble the Armed Horse for its first use.
Now your Horse will give you the Armed Horse Book 782e11cb-b016-4dd7-a6e1-8cbc56379d71-image.png, which you can now use.
Having already taken into account the progress for the next level 55 will be to obtain the Military Horse, we explain how to get it. To obtain the Military Horse Book 7ef823eb-de21-440e-8f9c-60b32aede927-image.png You will need to eliminate the Reaper of Death a few times and hopefully on the first one he will give you the Gold Riding Medal 2b781e4e-c491-494d-acaa-1b30d73b0ab5-50054.png, necessary to obtain the Military Horse.
After you talk to the Stable Boy, asking you to get the Medal, you can proceed to the mission.
The Reaper of Death, is located in Tower of Demons, which you must go to the top floor and defeat him, keep in mind that this is likely to give it to you when you defeat him.
Located in its dungeon, you will have to go through it alone.
After obtaining the necessary item you must go to the Stable Boy.
It is important to talk to him as he will give you information about obtaining the Military Horse.
If the stable performed the upgrade from Armed Horse to Military Horse you will have as a result the following:
Congratulations, we now have a Military Horse to the maximum.
You may wonder how he evolved his skills to be able to use them?
It is very easy in the Stable Boy there is a store which has the necessary item for d1c7b34d-e1ee-479b-a629-496dc98e1020-50055.png Riding Scroll 50.000.000 Yang.
Use the object 73ad2b7f-bb85-44c3-ba3d-bd489bd45603-50055.png to provide you with the relevant information.
When you use this object which will ask you for confirmation, it will give you as a result:
This guide will be under construction but everything relevant to obtaining the Horse is complete.
Kind regards.
En esta ocasión presentaremos los horarios de salida según el acuerdo de los Jefes y Minijefes del servidor.
Principalmente debes tener en cuenta que el horario de nuestros servidor es CEST, y se puede ver en nuestro minimapa 00e57c15-5df1-4620-9630-a4f4819059a5-time_ping.png o haciendo clic en este enlace 24TimeZones.
Teniendo ya en cuenta el horario, podrás hacer uso de la regeneración de los jefes distribuidos por sectores.
Puede ir en función de su nivel utilizando el Anillo de Teletransporte 7fed6166-e0d7-444e-b024-fc0b916cb46b-image.png, que siempre estará en tu inventario.
Regeneration of Chiefs from Major Cities from (Level: 1-75) to the Grotto of Exile:
Todos los días: 0:00 (medianoche) 1:00 AM 2:00 AM 3:00 AM 4:00 AM 5:00 AM 6:00 AM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM (mediodía) 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:00 PM151060d4-82d5-4448-9ffd-f32fa8cefa3f-image.png - Lykos
Kingdom of Shinsso Coordinates X and Y. - 249, 491 - 842, 780 Kingdom of Chunjo Coordinates X and Y. - 917, 108 - 377, 282 Kingdom of Jinno Coordinates X and Y. - 465, 897 - 160, 56968adeab1-35e0-44a5-90d8-8c59d076a38a-image.png - Scrofa
Kingdom of Shinsoo Coordinates X and Y. - 463, 398 - 501, 898 Kingdom of Chunjo Coordinates X and Y. - 395, 1010 - 189, 1104 Kingdom of Jinno Coordinates X and Y. - 793, 311 - 160, 569bcbe1ec7-d77d-48ee-8d39-3e1d03a5228c-image.png - Bera
Kingdom of Shinsoo Coordinates X and Y. - 342, 315 - 611, 116 Kingdom of Chunjo Coordinates X and Y. - 668, 1084 - 904, 639 Kingdom of Jinno Coordinates X and Y. - 309, 155 - 712, 832fd62ca92-8b7b-4a3d-a78d-da3a8ed8383c-image.png - Tigris
Kingdom of Shinsoo Coordinates X and Y. - 926, 256 - 269, 1107 Kingdom of Chunjo Coordinates X and Y. - 227, 607 - 828, 159 Kingdom of Jinno Coordinates X and Y. - 138, 359 - 398, 1087b7a03896-3a1c-4352-985b-f98ac76db07c-image.png - Eun-Jung
Kingdom of Shinsoo Coordinates X and Y. - 260, 135 Kingdom of Chunjo Coordinates X and Y. - 336, 243 Kingdom of Jinno Coordinates X and Y. - 546, 158d90938dc-1796-4589-b150-a39e937404b6-image.png - Jin-Hee
Kingdom of Shinsoo Coordinates X and Y. - 124, 893 Kingdom of Chunjo Coordinates X and Y. - 762,83 Kingdom of Jinno Coordinates X and Y. - 670, 11693a992b27-2cb3-49d8-9322-0d760339710c-image.png - Mi-Jung
Kingdom of Shinsoo Coordinates X and Y. - 155 227 Kingdom of Chunjo Coordinates X and Y. - 326, 144 Kingdom of Jinno Coordinates X and Y. - 425, 150e221a44f-96bf-4f1d-9029-0fd07d0cc598-image.png - Se-Rang
Kingdom of Shinsoo Coordinates X and Y. - 366, 142 - 295, 295 Kingdom of Chunjo Coordinates X and Y. - 643, 827 - 784, 691 Kingdom of Jinno Coordinates X and Y. - 804, 829 - 227, 8815ff399dd-51fc-4237-8be3-a11da01aaacb-image.png - Bestial Captain
Kingdom of Shinsoo Coordinates X and Y. - 118, 113 Kingdom of Chunjo Coordinates X and Y. - 615, 197 Kingdom of Jinno Coordinates X and Y. - 687, 13068b917c9-9b50-4a99-88a2-146e005972b8-image.png - Chief Orc
Valley of Seungryong Coordinates X and Y. - 389, 504 - 723, 1124ac9bd345-e383-4be2-a037-816e9e3e37b1-image.png - Tortuga Gigante
Yongbi Desert Coordinates X and Y. - 716, 382d8dba807-5395-4f4a-b686-6bc79b3048b3-image.png - Dark Leader
Hwang Temple Coordinates X and Y. - 912, 8474a93ed6c-5054-41cf-9a10-b4a397e14ed6-image.png - Yellow Tiger Ghost
Hwang Temple Coordinates X and Y. - 374, 420783554e4-08f6-4085-a1ae-527454912d86-image.png - Nine Tails
Mount Sohan Coordinates X and Y. - 763, 60728f4af97-5ade-4338-a606-ce5222048c8d-image.png - Flame King
Doyyumhwan Coordinates X and Y. - 189, 7134bd7c88e-4140-49a9-85ad-d82fe6277d69-image.png - Giant Ghost Tree
Red Forest Coordinates X and Y. - 69, 4192efcbae3-6ca1-40e1-b307-48a32ebfa084-image.png - Ghost Tree Lord
Red Forest Coordinates X and Y. - 699, 77e4249fae-0316-41d9-a3c0-dec20ff8d2a5-image.png - Queen Spider
Red Forest Coordinates X and Y. - 385, 387 - 387, 867d8a46d2b-9ee7-4cc4-8398-9e70e4f6ee50-image.png - Captain Yonghan
Grotto of Exile V1 Coordinates X and Y. - 1406, 1205 - 1331, 1405046a4098-63da-4f46-a2bf-4ab098a36b5b-image.png - General Huashin
Grotto of Exile V2 Coordinates X and Y. - 459, 175 - 148, 438Regeneration of Chiefs from Cape Dragon Fire from (Level: 90-105) to Gautama's Cliff:
Todos los días: 0:00 (medianoche) 2:00 AM 4:00 AM 6:00 AM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM (mediodía) 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 8:00 PM 10:00 PMe9231e82-a8b3-4ff4-80d6-ac102afdd2ed-image.png - Bone Face
Cape Dragon Fire Coordinates X and Y. - 1386, 1325 Nephrite Bay Coordinates X and Y. - 626, 1110b6c23c7d-23e3-46c1-9749-1c7851fc43d7-image.png - Rakshasa
Cape Dragon Fire Coordinates X and Y. - 1106, 319 - 872, 38746ba9c3e-53ed-44f3-86fc-5a1cd2caff42-image.png - Gnoll Lord
Cape Dragon Fire Coordinates X and Y. - 881, 614 - 434, 374376384af-10ba-45f8-babf-4d1e5ad48714-image.png - General Kappa
Nephrite Bay Coordinates X and Y. - 238, 864f2019da2-7bc2-441b-bddb-5449f70cdf9d-image.png - Triton
Nephrite Bay Coordinates X and Y. - 434, 37481d1c2ba-7ef2-4417-90e4-6b7b9b78b4c7-image.png - General Langosta
Nephrite Bay Coordinates X and Y. - 288, 457f19ea55f-0f71-40c7-8419-ab8a694c58b4-image.png - King Crab
Nephrite Bay Coordinates X and Y. - 209, 3592e1c9a7f-5c7c-44cd-b74f-4d048fae7e62-image.png - Red Chief
Nephrite Bay Coordinates X and Y. - 659, 424580c8655-299b-4bf5-9298-0c58646e8ad5-image.png - Brutal Bone Face
Thunder Mountains Coordinates X and Y. - 376, 109430a52949-14b1-43ac-bd73-473666f30b3e-image.png - Brutal Red Chief
Thunder Mountains Coordinates X and Y. - 346, 8411ca79296-f007-4894-8e5e-0926b161ab3f-image.png - Gargoyle
Thunder Mountains Coordinates X and Y. - 113, 1090a49fbd2-2615-41e3-b235-ba3ea176d6f8-image.png - King Wubba
Thunder Mountains Coordinates X and Y. - 611, 1139b6ef7f2e-8e34-4994-aa08-a271e4422315-image.png - Arges
Thunder Mountains Coordinates X and Y. - 533, 801b4ef3332-7e82-4c5a-b131-861cee12e78f-image.png - Polyphemos
Thunder Mountains Coordinates X and Y. - 910, 883840589f-f369-4fb2-8b11-77bfaacbbafa-image.png - Captain Shruk
Gautama Cliff Coordinates X and Y. - 591, 311fb11649f-8233-4ecf-9056-ed8cfd5ee6a1-image.png - The Great Ogre
Gautama Cliff Coordinates X and Y. - 1456, 783c47f8124-51b9-4149-a947-a8b91fe5f0aa-image.png - Lemures Prince
Gautama Cliff Coordinates X and Y. - 1038, 72643c474ea-f96e-412e-bca1-aff0706a8adf-image.png - Lemures Bodyguard
Gautama Cliff Coordinates X and Y. - 783, 404This guide is still under construction, for the moment we give this information. Coordinate information of bosses and mini-bosses will be added.
Kind regards.
52d9b05e-02c8-4c45-a328-af3f6e11efe3-ADMIN.png [DEV]JohnTonS